• +348 2637075
  • info@iwua.it



Music is a great passion of ours that we share with Wushu, and now this dream has come true for us.

See video on YouTube

Our first music lesson between Paxi’s piano and Minny’s

My little brother Paxi is a true marvel, he is a force of nature. He was born in the wonderful Sicily where our mother, Ninjia girl, participated in the Italian Wushu championship with a

My brother Paxi is a true marvel, he is a force of nature. He was born in the wonderful Sicily where our mother, Ninjia girl, participated in the Italian Wushu championship with a big

I knew that sooner or later

It was a great satisfaction to

Living on a Caribbean island with kung fu kids is a fantastic and fun experience. Walking outside the inhabited centers, along roads on the edge of a tropical forest, strange encounters can happen

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